We have almost all of our content, spells, classes, and items working. You get Instant 70 upon logon and malls to gear yourself with. You do not have to agree with me, but I know I had a great time playing it.We are focusing on a Fun Server with mainly endgame content. Some players just want to go back down memory lane and play what they once enjoyed. The Burning Crusade was the expansion where Blizzard shined. Wrath of the Lich King was fun for awhile and now with their latest expansion, Cataclysm, it is just going in the wrong direction. For one, a lot of people did not like the direction that Blizzard took their game.

You may be asking, why should I play here There are many reasons to go back and play on an older server.

We are dedicated on providing a fun experience for new and old players. We are a World of Warcraft Server focusing on the classic expansion The Burning Crusade.